The Browning


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Metal music and its many, many faces. Combining styles is basically normalcy in today’s music and can sometimes come at the band’s expense. Mixing hardcore, emo, thrash, death and grind (just to name a few) together can create some interesting styles and sounds, but it doesn’t always translate well. Hell, I have even seen seafood (yep that’s right, “creatures of the deep”) thrown into the mix with Attack Attack and their interesting subgenre known as “crabcore.” And now The Browning are here to throw their proverbial hat into the mix to see if they can separate themselves from the pack. Former As Blood Runs Black vocalist Jonny McBee not only fronts the band, but also finds himself behind the board producing the band’s self-titled debut album. Having been a full band no more than three months, will these Texans be able to hang with the big boys or find themselves standing on the edge of oblivion? The album gets things going with “Standing On The Edge” and “Dazed”. The opening electronics of “Standing On The Edge” sound like they could have come straight from any Ibiza nightclub or underground rave scene. Let me tell you, these beats hit harder than a sleep over at Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva’s house. Battering guitars fill your braincase, while ravaging drums, mind warping electronics and raging vocals pound you into nothingness. Imagine the annihilation that would take place if The Acacia Strain met Paul Oakenfold in a dark alley, and the result would be “Standing On The Edge”. “Dazed” incorporates blasting beats, surging guitars and McBee’s hell-fueled guttural attack with beautiful Cradle Of Filth-style keyboard backdrops. It’s an incredible majestic sound that will shake you to your inner core.

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